Tuesday, August 31, 2010

8 Months, 2 Weeks, 4 Days

That's how long it's been since my last cigarette. I offer the following thought: If it was just a question of money, I'd be broke and happy. God how I miss smoking.

Hey, I just noticed that it's been over a year since I last put anything on this narcissistic (spell check confirms I got that word right first time :P) overindulgence called a blog. Actually I suppose a true narcissist would post more frequently, but I really am too lazy to be a shameless self-promoter. That reminds me...

For non-residents of my territorial stomping grounds; we are gonna be havin' ourselves an 'lection! YEEee... haw. Yet another social exercise in futility where we play the political equivalent of "duck, duck, goose" combined with the "musical chairs game". I seriously plan on going to the polls and writing things like 'On Drugs', 'Booze Hound', 'Pill-Popper', and all manner of insulting bullshit next to the names on the ballot just to give the ballot counters a little laugh - anything to break up the tedium.

I may view what passes for politicians in these parts as little more than some particularly vile species of mealy-mouthing, semi-literate troglodytes, with less self-respect than the average prostitute, but at least I will be able to say that I cast my ballot on election day. I truly believe that going to the polls is an important civic duty, and not one to be passed up (if for no other reason than to be a wise-ass and make loud fart noises while in the booth spoiling your ballot).

So, PSA time: Go out and cast your ballot this election cycle, you'll have fun - I promise.

1 comment:

John J. said...

Congratulations, bud -- I think. It is a good thing, right? Ah, what do I know? I'd probably be better off if I cut back on all the real ale I'm downing over here, but that ain't gonna stop me.

The hung parliament fervour over here earlier this year was lots of fun to watch. Commitments re electoral reform were agreed as part of the coalition we now live with -- Con-Dem-nation was a popular slogan. Alternative Vote is the headline grabber, and a date for that referendum has now been set: http://www.electoral-reform.org.uk/blog/?p=73

Good times. Take it easy. --JJ